Implementation of Home Gateway Based on XML/ BAC net 基于XML/BACnet的家庭网关实现
The project aims to make the three sectors compatible in the country to allow users to make telephone calls, surf the Net and watch television through one cable or wireless gateway. 该项目旨在使国家的三个部门融合,让用户能够通过一个有线或无线网关打电话、上网、看电视。
Most of SciDev. Net's recent news and feature articles relating to China have been translated in Chinese and can be viewed online at:/ chinese/ gateway. Dickson说,在科学与发展网络发表的大多数新闻和特写文章已经翻译成中文,能够通过如下站点访问:/chinese/gateway。
HP will resell NET's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC. 惠普将转销NET的统一通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。
It presents the entire framework design of the Intelligent Home Gateway, including both hardware and software. It also covers the design of the each interface of the local net. 文中提出了智能家庭网关的整体设计方案(包括硬件和软件),对家庭内部网络(localnet)的各个接口进行了设计。
The thesis is composed of five chapters, witch can be introduced as following: The first chapter, preface, introduces mainly the phylogeny and actuality of the home net and the home gateway. 第一章.前言:主要介绍了家庭网络和家庭网关的发展简史和现状,阐述了本文工作的重点及意义。
Embedded wireless net system is discussed from a systematic aspect in the dissertation, and a blue tooth wireless gateway is designed based on ARM CPU. 本文从系统角度讨论了嵌入式无线网络系统,设计了基于ARM平台的蓝牙无线网关,并在系统设计中进行了微带天线的设计。
The second chapter, the design of the embedded system, includes the soft and hard condition of the home net in existence, and shows the whole structure of the home gateway in the thesis. 第二章.嵌入式系统的设计:主要介绍了嵌入式系统的概念,嵌入式系统的特点,家庭网络中软硬件环境的现有条件以及本设计中家庭网关的总体结构。
The experimental result shows that a mesh net can be established by the gateway node and sub nodes can be added into this net. 在实验室环境下进行系统测试,结果表明该网关节点能够成功组建一个网状网络,下级子节点能够成功加入到网络中。